COVID-19-Free Buildings

A COVID-19-free environment in buildings with a solution by synavision

Offices, schools, indoor swimming pools and other buildings need to provide a COVID-19-free environment – synavision provides solutions: The company is developing on-site testing software to help monitor the optimum room climate.

The application will become a part of synavision’s SaaS suite for digital quality management and provide a quick digital test of rooms and ventilation systems to help ensure effective virus protection and adequate air exchange.

Together with their international partners, synavision has successfully applied for funding through Eureka’s multilateral call for solutions applicable to the next high-impact human pandemic.

synavision is a partner in the Eureka project “NOVIRALRISK – Risk of viral contagion in buildings from airborne-transmission of pathogens” (funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research).

More Information

Get in touch via #GIS2021 B2B meeting


Dr. Stefan Plesser
synavision GmbH
Welle 15, 33602 Bielefeld, Germany
